среда, 9 января 2008 г.
College - Getting ready for it. I still have a bunch of things to buy, though it's mostly clothing and things for hygiene. I'm so so sooo excited to finally be moving out! But at the same time, thinking that I only have about ten more days makes me feel a little queasy. .___.; And I still get anxious about whether or not I'll actually be able to do what I want, but I'll make it. And ever since my mom said "Freshman 40", I've been stressing...because I'll kill myself if I gain forty pounds. fo srs I got my work study job, though, so I only owe a small-ish loan by the end of my schooling, so far. 8D Yey.
Last day of work! - No more Wallll-Marrrt. I'm so glad about that. My last two days were spent doing nothing. I played spy for one of the CSMs to make sure a new guy wasn't goofing off, and for the last half hour of my last day, I played in the toys department. XD; And Delilah freaking forgot to get with me to fill out my re-hire sheet, just like she forgot to put in my two weeks for me. Effff. So I have to go back for that, but I need to anyway to pick up my last checks.
Girly Time - hormones shmormones. Pifffff. I hate getting so blah every month and feeling lonely. It doesn't help that Cory and I are tiffying somewhat. :/ Feel better, me. And it makes thinking about moving not feel as good because I'll miss my friends. I'm really scared to lose them...
Other than those things, I've helped my mom paint her room! :D It's a really pretty green now. I've got three cosplay outfits to finish (I don't know if I can get Asuka done by this weekend..but I'll try anyway) and wigs to buy, even if we don't go to Anime FEST. Hmmm...I bought myself some new shoes yesterday, too, finally! Annnnd I've been at mi padre's for the past three days (where I'm updating from on my new laptop 8DDD it's cooperating now with the wireless, but I still hate Vista and need to get all of these stupid pre-installed programs off) and am going to make some delicious queso nowww. ♥ Better emotional update later, maybes.
"What's been going on in the world of me?" you might wonder.
Wellll, a lot. I've moved into the dorms of college and have been attending class for over a month now, and I really actually love it here! I've made a lot of wonderful new friends. ♥ And I room with Sarah (wolfram003)! :DDD
This is my schedule:
M W F: 10-11am - World Music; 12-1pm - College Algebra
T Th: 9:30-10:45am - Freshman Comp I; 11-12:15 - Elementary Japanese I; 1-2pm - College Strategies (Tuesdays only)
It's only 14 hours, which isn't a lot, so I've got plenty of time to do my homework and don't get stressed out at all. Next semester I'll probably have to get 16 hours in to balance it. I also do work study for an old man who tells me I'm pretty (DDDDX), but it pays for my college, so I deal.
( babbling about classes )
Mmmmm, besides being here, making new friends, and doing the whole college thing, not a lot has been happening in my life. I'm really excited and determined to continue learning languages; I've taught myself katakana and am working hard at hiragana and want to have at least 100 kanji down before the end of the semester. And I've started slowly reading French fics on ff.net to try to help my skills. Meg and I are going to pick up Chinese together, too, and I'm going to try to relearn German. It's all so great and has me fired up!! XD
Ooh, I coloured my hair again, too!
( Red & Fuchsia )
So...yeah. That's basically all that's been occupying my time. ^^; Hopefully I'll be around more to check up on you guys. xx; Sorry once again!!
Reminder to me: Finish last chapter(s?) of CMtMBS and start on sequel and BR crossover.
First day of classes went really well.
slap to the wrists
Classes start tomorrow.
Part of me is really excited, and another is seriously questioning why exactly I chose an eight o'clock Comp II course.
Either way, it's kind of nice to be back on campus.This update is for two things:1. Looking back on last year, and2.
Updating about what's happened recently.Cory and I are back together, and I'm so so sooo happy.
We talked a lot, took a good look at things, and came to the conclusion that we want to try harder, and if it still doesn't work, that's that. (But I don't think that will happen at all. ♥)I dropped a class and shortened my meals, so I'm not so worried about finances this semester.
And I'm going to study really hard for the next week and take the CLEP exam for French credits. Hmmm, what else... I guess there's not much to report. The last few days have been great. D
I AM the worst DJer ever!
Good of you to notice! 8D
Seriously, I'm sorry for not commenting on entries (I promise I do read them, at least DX) or ever updating anymore. Finals have been going around, and I'm searching for a job, and I want to post pictures of my new (blue) hurr once I find my camera cords, but other than that, I just haven't been in an updating sort of mood. ]:So, this is a big I'M SORRY for it. I've been cut by a couple of people I'd wanted to get to know better, but I really don't blame them since I haven't updated since the fourth of this month. xx; Maybe some other time. I always promise I'll be better, too, and just never seem able to keep it. But when I say I'm going on hiatus, something happens that makes me update the very next day. asldkhfkjshldfI won't promise anything definite, but hopefully I'll update more often, half because it's a journal and should be written in, and half because I still don't know a lot of you as well as I should. :x If you want to defriend this el jay for any reason, I completely understand (unless we're RL friends; you guys are stuck with me, k?), and thank you to those who have kept me around. ♥♥And so this counts as an entry updating my life, umm, umm: I slept like crap, have lots of laundry and Christmas shopping to do, and my swimmer's ear is STILL NOT GONE. D8