среда, 9 января 2008 г.


I AM the worst DJer ever!

Good of you to notice! 8D

Seriously, I'm sorry for not commenting on entries (I promise I do read them, at least DX) or ever updating anymore. Finals have been going around, and I'm searching for a job, and I want to post pictures of my new (blue) hurr once I find my camera cords, but other than that, I just haven't been in an updating sort of mood. ]:So, this is a big I'M SORRY for it. I've been cut by a couple of people I'd wanted to get to know better, but I really don't blame them since I haven't updated since the fourth of this month. xx; Maybe some other time. I always promise I'll be better, too, and just never seem able to keep it. But when I say I'm going on hiatus, something happens that makes me update the very next day. asldkhfkjshldfI won't promise anything definite, but hopefully I'll update more often, half because it's a journal and should be written in, and half because I still don't know a lot of you as well as I should. :x If you want to defriend this el jay for any reason, I completely understand (unless we're RL friends; you guys are stuck with me, k?), and thank you to those who have kept me around. ♥♥And so this counts as an entry updating my life, umm, umm: I slept like crap, have lots of laundry and Christmas shopping to do, and my swimmer's ear is STILL NOT GONE. D8

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